
Finns and weather

This was inspired by one Bosnian girl, who said, that Finnish jokes are funny. Then she pasted a joke about we Finns and weather. I thought it was quite funny, but was not satisfied as I'm more of a serious person myself. This is what I pasted as a reply:

I read that joke about Finnish people and the weather. It was funny, but I'm more a man to appreciate fact over exaggeration. So, I will try to do my own assessment of what we Finns are made of, using weather (or temperature) as an example. I don't know if there is anything funny about this, but I thought that I would do a real-life insight on this.

+30 celsius
Finns can't sleep, nor they can eat. So they just drink. And complain about the weather, as it is too hot to do anything else than drink and complain.

+25 celsius
Fuck it's hot! Finns wait for the thunder storm to begin and release they from agony of the heat...

+20 celsius
Finns go to holiday, are on the beaches and burn their skin. And wait for the autumn and cooler days.

+15 celsius
Aah, this feels good, warm, but not too warm...shit! Finns are either waiting for the agonizing heat to come back so they could be burning their skin on the beaches or to complain about the weather, which is soon going to be either too hot or cold, because there is never a good weather for a Finn.

+10 celsius
Fucking cold with these t-shirts and shorts. Now Finns are no more going to the beaches. They are preparing for the winter, though there is still this ugly moist and dark time of year to follow the short summer - autumn.

+5 celsius
Oh no, should we start to change clothes for the autumn now. Everyone are thinking about finding their scarves and gloves.

+-0 celsius
Shit, it's almost freezing. Now Finns finally start wearing their scarves and gloves.

-5 celsius
Snow becomes to fall. Oh, how beautiful it is after that horrible autumn. Though it's still autumn and in the afternoon that beautiful white snow has changed into watery dirty shit. Finnish people hate this weather above all. Woolly hats called "pipo" are now started to worn on heads.

-10 celsius
Finally a good mid-freeze. There are no more of those afternoon meltdowns of snow, there is a permanent snow. Finnish people love this weather above all.

-15 celsius
Now it's starting to be cold even with all the woolly hats and gloves and jackets. It's finally a winter time. But we still go to work and school and places without complaining, because this is just a cold, not freezing weather.

-20 celsius
It's freezing. Finns start to put more clothes on them, even inside the house. Beards and moustaches and hair start to turn white from the freeze outside, but everything is normal in Finns' life, though there are not outside sports activities at school, if this temperature is reached.

-25 celsius
This is actually a very cold weather. Finns start to discuss the weather and the cold in their work places. People tend to stay indoors, if possible.

-30 celsius
Though it's fucking cold, everyone still go to work, school etc. It might slow the Finns down, but it's never too cold to do your duty!

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