
Aara aara, gondee gondee

Jos voisin olla matkalla,
Jos voisin juoda paljon,
humaltumatta liikaa.
Jos voisin rakastaa rajoitta,
loukkaamatta silti ketään.
Jos voisin olla onnellinen,
menettämättä mielen muita sävyjä.
Jos voisin olla tyytyväinen,
tyytymättä vain kompromisseihin.


Rock, rauha ja rakkaus.
Tarvitseeko ihminen paljon muuta :)
Tuo "pyhä kolmiyhteys"
- uskonto minun makuuni.


Rushin keikan innoittamana lainaan tähän vielä Neil Peartin kirjoittamaa lyriikkaa (poimittu yhden tekemäni Rush-kokoelman biiseistä):

I can learn to resist
Anything but temptation
I can learn to coexist
With anything but pain

If the future's looking dark
We're the ones who have to shine
If there's no one in control
We're the ones who draw the line
Though we live in trying times
We're the ones who have to try
Though we know that time has wings
We're the ones who have to fly...

It's understood
By every single person
Who'd be elsewhere if they could
So far so good
And life's not unpleasant
In their little neighborhood

A tired mind become a shape shifter,
Everybody need a mood lifter,
Everybody need reverse polarity.
Everybody got mixed feelings
About the function and the form.
Everybody got to elevate from the norm.

All of us get lost in the darkness
Dreamers learn to steer by the stars
All of us do time in the gutter
Dreamers turn to look at the stars

Just between us,
I think it's time for us to recognize
The differences we sometimes fear to show.
Just between us,
I think it's time for us to realize
The spaces in between
Leave room for you and I to grow.

All the same, we take our chances,
Laughed at by Time,
Tricked by Circumstances.
Plus ca change,
Plus c'est la meme chose,
The more that things change,
The more they stay the same.

And if the music stops
There's only the sound of the rain
All the hope and glory,
All the sacrifice in vain
And if love remains
Though everything is lost
We will pay the price,
But we will not count the cost

Believe in what we’re told
Blind men in the market
Buying what we’re sold
Believe in what we’re told
Until our final breath
While our loving Watchmaker
Loves us all to death

- Neil Peart

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